For The Community

Our belief as healthcare providers is that we can use our knowledge and skills to educate the community in a variety of health related and safety topics. While we work tirelessly to respond 24/7 to emergency EMS calls, our role has expanded beyond simply treating and transporting patients to the hospital of their choice. As a constant presence in the community, we are often the “eyes and ears” within people’s homes and residences. We often see things that a patient’s doctor or other healthcare provider may never see. We don’t take this privilege lightly.

Our EMTs and paramedics take time with patients and family members to help correct potential issues before they cause further harm. This effort focuses mostly on preventing injury/trauma and proper care for the elderly. Traumatic injury makes up the highest percentage of 911 calls for our agency. Many of these calls for injury may be preventable.

This section of our website offers a wide variety of information for the community including topics such as Preventing Injury, CPR & AED Training, Distracted Driving and more. Select a link below to view more information. We also have health-related content within our Health Education section.

For The Community