When you call 911, you are routed to the Monroe County 911 Center in downtown Rochester. A telecommunicator will ask a number of questions of the caller in an attempt to determine if the need is fire, police or EMS related. If medical attention is needed and the call is within the Town of Henrietta, the call data is routed to a dispatcher at 911 who in turn sends the “job” to CHS Healthcare. We receive the call via a secure computer, alphanumeric digital pagers and by voice dispatch over a radio frequency.
When you dial 911, please stay on the line; do not hang up! Calls into 911 are taken in the order in which they are received. If you hang up and call back, your call goes to the last in queue, making your wait longer.
The telecommunicator answering your 911 call determines the type of service needed using a proven and efficient interview process. They provide initial help if necessary and then immediately contact the appropriate emergency agency to dispatch assistance. Once the telecommunicator has analyzed the situation, the call is immediately routed by computer to a dispatcher for the appropriate emergency response (Police, Fire or EMS) to provide the service(s) needed.
The telecommunicator is the first link in the medical survival chain, providing pre-arrival and post-dispatch instructions to callers with a medical emergency. Critical procedures such as CPR, airway management and childbirth, just to name a few, can be started before more advanced help arrives.
You can help by being as precise and exact as possible when providing information during a 911 call.
If you call 9-1-1 by mistake, do not hang up. Tell the call taker what happened so they know there really isn’t an emergency.
For more information, click here.