Caring for Seniors

We offer a guide, “The Senior Good Health Journal”, which is available free at our headquarters. Please feel free to stop in anytime and pick up a free copy.   PREVENTING INJURY We respond daily to numerous incidents where patients have fallen or otherwise...


“If someone is in cardiac arrest, they are having a heart attack.” The term ‘cardiac arrest’ is not synonymous with ‘heart attack’. A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart is reduced or stopped due to a blockage of the coronary arteries, which feed blood to...
Distracted Driving

Distracted Driving

With traumatic injuries topping the list of types of calls we respond to, it is important that we learn about things we can do to prevent injury before it strikes. STATS Distracted driving (cell phone use, texting, eating/drinking, etc.) made up 20% of injury-causing...
Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure

CHS Healthcare offers blood pressure screenings every day. Please feel free to visit us anytime to have your blood pressure checked. Hypertension, or high blood pressure (HBP), is a disease. It often has no symptoms but can have deadly health consequences if left...

Your Heart

The heart provides such vital function for us, but can often run into complications due to a number of factors including high blood pressure, smoking, congenital disease (from birth), high cholesterol and other conditions. The end result may cause stress on your heart...